Bounce Packages Review: I tried it in NYC !

Tom VincentMarch 12, 2024
Webmaster - DTechClub
Fact-checked by our editorial expert

I was recently on a trip to New-York City for 10 days and I wanted to take advantage of being in the US to order products only available here. Problem: I was in an AirBnb and I was out everyday so I couldn't pickup my packages. Solution: I searched online to rent a post office box to receive parcels and I discovered Bounce Packages.

They allow you to have your parcels delivered to a local shop for 4$, and they have a lot of locations. I tried Bounce Packages service for 2 different parcels and I wanted to share in this article my review of their service.

What is Bounce Packages and how it works ?

Bounce Pakcages is basically a package receiving service. It's useful for people who don't have a doorman, a postbox, or the time to pickup parcels at home. In my case, I was travelling to NYC and obviously I couldn't receive a parcel at the Airbnb I was staying at.

With Bounce Packages, you can select a local shop in your area that works with BP and received parcels to this location. They have a lot of pickup locations in NYC as you can see:

bounce package locations nyc

They also have pickup locations in other US cities (SF, Chicago, Miami…) but also in Europe (Barcelona, Roma, Budapest…)!

You can select a pickup location in your neighbourhood and check the reviews and the price to receive packages. For example, if you want to receive less than 5 packages a month like me, it's better to select the "Pay as you go" option. You'll pay 4$ per parcel. From 5 parcels per month, it's more cost-effective to take the $25 option, "10 packages per month".

pickup location bounce packages example

After you clicked on "Continue", you simply have to enter your name, email, and phone number, and pay. Then you'll get the pickup location address and you simply have to paste it when you make an order online. The last name will be different from your real last name for easier package identificaton.

address bounce packages

When the package arrives in the pickup location, you'll get an email or a notification on your smartphone (if you have the Bounce Packages app which I highly recommend). You can then go to the pickup location, show a QR code you get on the app and get your parcel. Easy peasy!

My experience with 2 parcels delivers to 2 different Bounce Packages pickup locations

During my stay in New-York, I used Bounce Packages for 2 different packages delivered by USPS. I chose to deliver to two different pickup locations because I wanted to try their services. For both parcels, everything went flawlessly and I got my packages the exact same day they were delivered.

bounce packages received

The first time I ordered something to a Bounce Packages pickup location, I entered by mistake my real last name in my order instead of the last name code they give you… However I had no problem getting the package at the pickup location ! I showed the QR code to the guy and he give me the package. You even have a picture of your package on the Bounce app when they receive it.

The second time, I did enter the right last name code during my order. Once I got the tracking link of the package I entered it on the Bounce Packages app. I guess it's not mandatory but it should be better for the pickup location so they know they'll receive a package soon.

qr code bounce packages

Then when they received the package, I got a notification that I can pickup my parcel with a picture of it. They also give you a QR code that the pickup location have to scan in order to confirm that the package was successfully delivered.

Everything was smooth and I got the second package I was waiting for!

Pros and Cons


  • Receive packages almost anywhere in the world, even when you're abroad
  • Very good web and app user interface
  • As easy as ordering to your home (just enter the address they give you)
  • Lots of pickup locations choices in major cites and in different countries
  • No size limit
  • You can receive packages with privacy


  • With the 4$ Pay as you go option, the pick up window is only 5 day.
  • For late pickups, you pay 1$ more per day


I think that Bounce Packages is definitely worth it. If it hadn't found this service, I wouldn't have been able to receive any parcels during my trip.

The parcels I received were carefully handled and everything went smoothly when I went to pick them up. In short, I definitely recommend Bounce Packages and I will use it for sure again in Europe when I travel or if I want to be sure that someone would be here to handle my parcel.

About the Author: Tom
Tom is the founder of and has been fascinated by VPNs since 2012. He writes about online privacy, is always testing VPNs (both new and existing services), and is highly interested in the challenges of accessing certain sites and content in various regions. In addition to his interest in VPNs, he loves indie films and playing flamenco guitar.
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